


Mado Scott



Life Is a beautiful Sport

360 ° Content, Technology, Art+Design

ITAK conducted an R&D project for Lacoste to experiment how 3D technologies can be used to build brand content. The challenge was to craft a campaign that would rival traditional films while highlighting the prowess of 3D in creating alternative storytelling, characters, and universes.


Full Screen

Project Deliverables

  • Exploration : Technological research on how 3D technology could be used for the project. Thorough research of Lacoste’s brand narrative.
  • Ideation : Design of a campaign where Lacoste’s collection is displayed in a fictitious universe—designed from scratch—featuring a tennis court as the backdrop. The entire campaign, from set design to lighting to materials, aimed to introduce a fresh perspective to campaign creation.
  • Prototyping : Execution of the project vision with meticulous attention to detail, crafting a full CGI-based video that presented the brand’s identity, atmosphere, and clothing collection through a bespoke tennis court universe. The result showcased 3D’s capacity as a powerful tool for crafting brand campaigns.
  • Results : Showcasing of the project allowed ITAK to win the ANDAM Award innovation prize (LVMH).
Full Screen


CG: Unexplored Fields